
Information and integration center for immigrants

Jonava District Social Services centre is the biggest socialk organisant in the district. We have more than 7 thousands (7203 in 2020) clients per year   from different target groups:

  • Disabled adults and children, their families;
  • Lonely, sick elderly people;
  • Young non-active people (don‘t study or work);
  • Families, witch experience social risk and their children;
  • Refugees, forced migrants, foreigners and their children;
  • Victims of domestic violence;
  • Addicted persons (alcohol, drugs)
  • Other people, who are in a crisis and experience some kind of social exclusion.

So, refugees, forced migrants, foreigners and their children are one of our target groups. And we don’t separate people from this target group from other clients, we try to involve refugees/ forced migrants and other foreigners into our common activities and services. We are working with people from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Chechenia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Afrika’s republics and other countries, who live in Jonava district.

We understand integration as a two-way, complex and multilayered process that requires both: the preparation of forced migrants to integrate into a host society and the preparation of society for accepting new members. That’s why we work not just with refugees, immigrants, foreigners, but also Jonava District Social Services Centre organize different trainings and activities for Jonava local community and communities of the host society in other cities.